Evelyn Ailek Profile & Artworks

Evelyn Ailek is minyma Anangu, an Aboriginal woman who a grew up in Areyonga and Docker River in the far south west of the Northern Territory. She came to live at Mutitjulu with her family just before the hand back to the Traditional Owners of Uluru. Since that time she has worked in many of the community organisations such as Ininti Store, the Mutitjulu clinic, Chidcare, and Respite House, Night patrol, Mutitjulu swimming pool as well as with Maruku Arts. She has also been involved with the Women’s Centre and Walkatjara Art where she learnt screen printing and began to paint. She completed her first canvas for Maruku Arts in November, 2006.

Born: 1970
Language: Pitjantjatjara
Community: Mutitjulu 

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