Narelle Holland Profile & Artworks

Narelle Holland is minyma Yarnangu, a senior Aboriginal woman from the Central Western Desert area of Australia. Born in the desert between Tjulun and Mungakatju Rockholes near Wanarn, she grew up with a combination of western and traditional education. For much of her life she has worked tirelessly in various Women’s Centres and Art Centres and is a committed a spokesperson and advocate for her people’s contemporary art forms. As well as being a highly experienced wood carver, Narelle paints with Papulankutja Artists of Blackstone and creates amazing spinifex baskets and sculptures with Tjanpi Desert Weavers.

Born: 1953
Community: Mantamaru (Jameson), Ngaanyatjarra Lands, WA
Language: Ngaanyatjarra

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